Thursday, January 08, 2015

TECH WORLD: Undying Mercenaries, Book 3 by B.V. Larson

Narrated by Mark Boyett

…..James McGill is a Weapon with a Conscience

Another fun installment in the continuing misadventures of James McGill and Legion Varis. This time they start the mission thinking they were on a milk run; of course things turn out to be not so simple. McGill is again faced with a situation that could get him killed permanently (permed in the jargon of the book). And again McGill responds with insubordination compelled with some sense of baseless morality to do the right thing. Larson has created an enduring character in James McGill that keeps getting more and more interesting with every new book. I like the dynamics of the Legion Varis chain of command. I like the space opera scenario of the series, with the technologically vastly superior Galactics making the rules. I like the way Mankind always finds a way to live within the system, but untamed enough that they are not afraid to bend the rules. You just can’t keep those spunky humans on a short leash. Most of all I like straight-shooter McGill always leading with his heart and too compulsive to reign in his tongue. This continues to be an interesting and entertaining series.

Mark Boyett is excellent in his portrayal of the different characters in the book. He handles both male and female voices with deft adroitness. He has a great sense of the sarcastic, a quality I much appreciate in a narrator. 


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