Friday, May 01, 2015


Narrated by Luke Daniels


     Begin At the Beginning—Every Time

The narration by Luke Daniels for this series is so good that every time a new book is released I have gone back and started from the beginning. And this is not just to re-familiarize myself with the story, but to experience Daniels’ performance over again. Only a few narrators are able to deliver the level of dramatization necessary to make the book seem like a movie playing in my head—Luke Daniels is one of them. It was great to review TERMS OF ENLISTMENT. The boot camp gung-ho grunt scenes are the equal of anything put out by Stanley Kubrick or James Cameron. This is great entertainment.

Lest I give the impression that the narration is only good thing about this series, allow me to dispel that delusion. This is a well-paced story with engaging characters. The dialog is natural and even witty at times. The overall situation of humanity fighting for their survival against an incomprehensible and overwhelmingly advanced alien foe is nicely done and I always like such scenario where those plucky humans just can’t be kept down. We are the cockroaches of the galaxy—a pest that you just can’t get rid of—one that will fight to the death. Along the way there are plenty of human to human conflicts of personality. No military story would be authentic if some of the officers weren’t jerks. They are dealt with in appropriate and often hilarious fashion. Yes, there are many things to recommend about this series. When the next installment comes out I plan to start again from the beginning and let it roll over me all over again. 


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