Friday, November 13, 2015

TIME’S DIVIDE by Rysa Walker

Narrated by Kate Rudd

     The End... ---…

The grand finale of Kate’s time-travel adventures. Expect lots of double-crosses, timeline interference and a heroine bent on making things right. Does she do it? Yes…then…

I first tried this series thinking that my daughter would like—she did. I did not think I, a sophisticated Science Fiction reader, would—but I did. This is not some futuristic romance novel with a minor time-travel element. No, this is a seriously fun book exploring the possibilities of time-travel. Rysa Walker has invented a brilliant gadget to facilitate her time-traveling characters’ adventures through the centuries.  She also has a good grasp of how to build a sense of conflict to drive the action and motivate the characters without losing the listener. Give the first book a try and I think you will want to follow the story until the end…and beyond.

I have been singing Kate Rudd’s praises ever since listening to her rendition of the first book in this series, Timebound. Her performance helps make this an entertaining experience. 


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