Friday, July 15, 2016

SHARP ENDS: Stories from the World of the First Law, by Joe Abercrombie

Narrated by Steven Pacey

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Many of the most interesting characters from the First Law trilogy reprise their roles here in this collection of short stories. In them Joe Abercrombie proves to have a deft hand at leaving the listener with a sense of the ironic in his parting shot. The stories with the young Glokta and the old Bloody Nine are my favorites. All the stories are replete with Abercrombie’s characteristic unexpected sense of macabre humor.

Steven Pacey is the my favorite narrator of Abercrombie’s works. He does not disappoint. All the familiar voices are back.

P.S. — Several Joe Abercrombie books have been reissued by a new publisher and the reviews for the older versions are no longer available unless you already own the title. There are literally thousands of ratings and hundreds of fine reviews on the original audio versions of Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy. If you are new to his writings, these are now inaccessible to you. This is unfortunate, since it was the opinions of my fellow reviewers that convinced me to try Abercrombie’s books in the first place. If you wish to know what I thought about Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy, and Best Served Cold, you can find them on my reviews page. 


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