Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Narrated by Eric Luke

     Gothic Horror Creeps into Normal (Audiobook) Life

After a mundane historical beginning relating the events surrounding the Orson Wells’ original War of the Worlds broadcast the supernatural inserts itself—slowly at first—becoming increasingly more ominous and intrusive. The writing is controlled, allowing the listener’s sense of the bizarre to fully develop before turning the screws and things get really creepy. This book breaks the audiobook fourth wall. The protagonists are all audiobook listeners and this becomes a key plot element. It gives the listener a surreal feeling as the sound plays into the ears. I found this to be at first a little self-indulgent, but then grasped the commonalities I had with the people in the book and it gave me an empathy for their predicament. 

The author Eric Luke narrates his own book and he must have been a sound engineer as well, because the effects are seamlessly done. The narration is superb and is one of the chief reasons for listening. 


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