Wednesday, August 17, 2016

KILLFILE by Christopher Farnsworth

Narrated by Bronson Pinchot

     He Doesn’t Need a Reason, Just an Excuse and Other Catch Phrases

Farnsworth has come up with a tight techno-thriller and a hero with psi-powers. It is most like one of the fine nevels of Daniel Saurez. I have previously enjoyed The President’s Vampire series, also by Farnsworth, and also narrated by Bronson Pinchot. This novel was engaging from the opening scene and, thanks to Pinchot’s talent, always smooth. There is something innately appealing about a guy with mind-reading powers thrown into dangerous situations. Maybe I’m just a sucker for a well written short action novel with great narration. Hey, its not lit-ra-ture but it is pure fun. 


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