Friday, August 08, 2014

ANATHEM by Neal Stephenson

Narrated by William Dufris (Main text)
Neal Stephenson (Principle Dictionary entries)
Oliver Wyman (Introductory Historical notes)
Tavia Gilbert (Occasional Dictionary entries)

Attention Surplus Disorder

Long ago in a galaxy far, far away lived a race of bipedal humanoids that had survived a slightly different history that that of Earth. Here they engaged in lengthily philosophical discussions on the fine points of logic that exactly mirrors the philosophy of Earth. On this far away planet these people even have historical archetypes that have exact parallels to our Newton, Emerson, Locke and Darwin. So, what this really is amounts to an alternate history of our Earth but with different political forces. For me this is less a Science Fiction novel than it is a Mainstream novel that includes some SF elements. I liken this to the many Romance novels that include SF elements but which are correctly categorized  as Futuristic Romance pieces and not really Science Fiction.

After listening to the amazing SNOWCRASH I felt that Neal Stephenson deserved a second listen.  SNOWCRASH is fast-paced, energetic, fanciful, farcical and fun. ANATHEM is extremely slow-paced, ponderous, mundane and tedious. I am now going on to tackle Stephenson’s CRYPTONOMICON just because SNOWCRASH is so good that I want to give him every opportunity to display the brilliance that he is capable of achieving.

William Dufris is a fine narrator. He has a limited range of character voices, which he recycles on occasion, but these work well for most any conversations. He is easy to understand and always energetic, making a good effort to make this a rewarding listening experience. 


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