Wednesday, August 27, 2014

INHERITANCE by Sharon Moalem

INHERITANCE: How Our Genes Change Our Lives and Our Lives Change Our Genes
Narated by Sharon Moalem

"Intriguing Account of Epigenetics & Dismorphology"

I found this to be a fascinating look into the world of Epigenetics. This is the idea that one’s DNA is not completely fixed at birth but can be altered. More correctly, it is the expression of one’s DNA that can be altered during the course of one’s lifetime based on various environmental factors. This confirms what many have believed for years that proper nutrition, regular exercise and adhering to an all-around healthy lifestyle can, indeed, contribute to better quality of life; and not just for yourself, but for your children, your unborn children, as well. 

Dismorphology is the study of external body features that can lead to a diagnosis of one’s genetic make-up. You will never again be able to look and your friend’s toes without playing the diagnostician.

Sharon Moalen narrate his own book. And unlike some others I have listened to recently, he is a very good narrator. He avoids the common pitfall of reading in a monotone, as if they were not familiar with their own material, but has the delivery of an expert giving a lecture. An exercise in which I am sure he has a fair amount of experience. 


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