Friday, September 19, 2014

TIMEBOUND by Rysa Walker

Narrated by Kate Rudd

This is true love. You think this happens every day?

I was hoping this novel would be a good one for my young daughters but I enjoyed it myself. I am a sucker for Time-Travel so this book did have a hook in me from the start. The TT in this book is marginally of the Science-Fiction classification, having a basis in technology. But really this is a teenage romance novel. I was glad to find that the intimacy is strictly PG-13. This novel’s strong suit is that it is tightly plotted with a good sense of story. The main characters are quite likeable and not overly precocious as is typical with most Young Adult fiction. True, they do try to save the world but then this is standard fare for any novel of most any genre. This is a fine book and not just for children.

Kate Rudd has a nice voice with plenty of passion and great variety of pacing that is just right for this story. She has great range in female character voicings and relates a lot of emotion. My only criticism is in her rendition of the male voices who—to my very male ear—sounds like the vocal cords of rather gruff women and not men. As a result, this seems like an all-female cast production. 


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