Thursday, July 16, 2015

ARMADA by Ernest Cline

Narrated by Wil Wheaton

     Wax On—Wax Off    


Is this a sequel to Ready Player One?
No. But it is a thematic and stylistic follow-up novel. Cline not only understands the Science Fiction genre in books, movies and video games, he also has the chops to tell a valid story within that framework; one that tries to examine the human condition. Just as in Ready Player One, Ernest Cline draws in the listener with great characterization, and keeps him with a great story.

Will non-Sci-Fi fans find this as accessible as its predecessor?
Probably not. One of the best elements for me is the complete fanboy immersion experience. But then, I am so close to the subject that I may not be an objective judge on this one. While I appear to be a respectable functioning adult most of the time, in reality I am just a geek at heart.

Will using the many Sci-Fi tropes in this novel as a drinking game quickly drive you three sheets to the wind?
Oh Yes, and probably in less than an hour. You may even experience flashbacks if you lived through that decade. And this is one reason that non-Sci-Fi fans may quickly tire of the book. For the true fan every recognized reference is like scoring bonus points and high-fiving your imaginary friend. For the uninitiated it may seem like a compendium of obsessive self-indulgent narcissistic nerd fantasies strung together just to see how many can be squeezed into a novel length book.

Does Wil Wheaton give an all out dramatic performance?
Yes. Wil Wheaton has greatly improved in the variety and intensity of his character voices. In Ready Player One he always faithfully related the sarcastic thoughts of Wade Watts, the protagonist. His voicing of the other characters were not always as spot on or as energetic. Now, here in Armada, Wheaton steps up his game a full level. His dramatic performance adds a tremendous amount to the enjoyment of this audiobook. In fact, even if the story had fallen flat Wheaton’s performance would have made it entertaining.  

Is Ernest Cline now on your short list of Must-Listen Authors?

Yes. He is two for two in by book. And if Wil Wheaton signs on to do the narration I will definitely anticipate Cline’s next book as much as I did this one.


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