DEAR LEADER by Jang Jin-sung
Narrated by Daniel York
Tell a Lie 100
Times—Even the Liar Believes It
An adventurous tale of a North Korean defector making his
way to freedom. Along the way he finds favor with empathetic strangers, his
Korean pursuers nipping at his heels. This account makes clear the claim that
North Korea is the most oppressive socialist regime in power. In comparison, even
China seems like a free state. Devotion to Kim Jong-Il is so pervasive that
even love for one’s family must be suppressed lest one is thought to be
disloyal. This displaced loyalty leads to a sort of nationalized mental
disorder. This book will have you rooting for Jang Jin-sung, his trials becoming
your trials, adrenaline rushing through your body.
Daniel York manages to maintain a slight oriental accent but
with British pronunciation. His performance quickly becomes the voice of Jang
in your head.
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