Tuesday, October 25, 2016

ALLIANCE OF SHADOWS by Larry Correia and Mike Kupari

Narrated by Bronson Pinchot

Title Fight Illuminati vs. the Shadow Government

Valentine, Lorenzo and all the usual suspects are back for more high caliber intrigue.  The whole story arc that began with the first book really kicks into high gear with this one.  All the major players clash in the most incendiary way. I can tell you that may things get resolved nicely but there are a few major loose ends remaining—just enough for another sequel. A very satisfying listen.

A chief reason this book is satisfying is the performance of Bronson Pinchot. At the risk of repeating myself, Pinchot is quite simply fantastic. His voice transports you into the story. I love his voices for Anderson and the Reaper. He is so over the top in some scenes that I had to break out laughing, cheering him on,  as if he were an actor on stage.


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