Wednesday, February 08, 2017

THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfus

Vol. I of the Kingkiller Chronicles.

Narrated by Nick Podehl

     Closer to Tolkien than Hogwarts

At first blush this novel may be classified as a Young Adult novel because the protagonist is a young boy in the course of the dictated portions of the story. It has some of the elements of YA books; including a gifted young boy studying to become an arcanist – essentially a wizard. But do not let this deter you from entering Patrick Rothfus’ world. This is fine story-telling. You will quickly become immersed in Kvothe’s life story as he recounts his saga from living in a troupe of traveling entertainers to entering the University and amazing people with his skills. This book is full of both tragedy and joy and a whole lot of fun.

The voice of Nick Podehl grows with the telling and is one of the big attractions of this book.


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