Thursday, April 05, 2018

Darwin’s Doubt by Stephen C. Meyer

In this follow-up to Signature in the Cell, author Stephen C. Meyer writes the book that the critics of his first book thought they were attacking. The first book is a rigorous defense of Intelligent Design from a genetic level. In this second book Meyer continues his assault on conventional evolutionary wisdom and focuses his attention on the Cambrian Explosion. His argument draws attention to the incredible amount of biological information that supposedly came into being—using evolutionary terms and time-scales—in just a few million years. When ever since—again in evolutionary terminology—no new phyla or body plans have evolved. Forgetting the typical Creationist arguments Meyer starts by accepting the evolutionary time-scale and sequence of events, then goes on to informing his listeners of just how much information is needed to bring a new living organism into existence. The magnitude is staggering and should give any thinking person reason to abandon materialistic evolution and at least entertain intelligent Design as a possibility.

Derek Shetterly us a good choice to narrate this book full of difficult technical concepts.


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