Monday, April 11, 2016

FEAR THE FUTURE by Stephen Moss

Narrated by R.C. Bray

Infusion of Characterization Keeps the Interest

The capstone to a solid hard Science Fiction™ (HSF) trilogy. Stephen Moss clearly had the end in mind when the series began. The series ends nicely. Like most HSF the characters take a back seat to the juggernaut of ideas. Without giving anything away I can safely state that the book is strongly plotted and qualifies as a space opera. Now, perhaps giving up a few hints, the best part became the political intrigue. Among the alien invaders. There are two alien characters that become the main focus, even surpassing the humans for human interest in the story. Wanting to hear how the big encounter would play out kept my interest when my fascination with the gadgets was beginning to wane.

Again R.C. Bray delivers an always clear and easy to understand performance. 


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