Friday, November 07, 2014

ENDER’S GAME by Orson Scott Card

Narrated by Stefan Rudnicki (Main text), Gabrielle de Cuit (Valentine)

Well Staged Production of a Favorite

This novel should be familiar to any well read Science Fiction fan. If you have not read it, skip the movie and listen to this wonderful production. Sure, many of its themes are tried and true but executed here most excellent fashion. Here we have a coming of age story that has become so iconic that it almost becomes the final word on such stories; setting a very high standard for all others that dare to follow. There is a reason why this book has been a perennial bestseller for three decades—it is simply grand.

Stefan Rudnicki delivers a fine performance with a wide range of character voices. He adds a nice layer of drama to this already fine book. He has proved himself worthy. 


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