Friday, May 08, 2015

THE SYNCHRONICITY WAR, Part 1 by Dietmar Wehr

Narrated by Luke Daniels

     Tactical and Strategic Space War Primer

There are some intriguing Sci-Fi concepts, especially the glimpses of the future that alter one of the character’s actions. This kept my interest and I want to see where this plot device will lead. The space battles are action-filled and just perhaps a little too involved in the nitty-gritty of space warfare. There are many scenes where the characters discuss future plans for new types of armaments develop battle strategy. I can see that this is an attempt at verisimilitude but it does detract from the pacing of the story. Is this a Science Fiction novel or a space fleet battle briefing manual? A little of both, I think.

Luke Daniels is top shelf, as always. His narration rescues this rather pedantic and redundant book from the doldrums and elevates it to an entertaining piece. Sadly, there are few moments of humor to allow Daniels to flex his dramatic muscles. 


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