Thursday, September 03, 2015


Narrated by Kevin Pariseau

     Romantic Exploits in the Backdrop of Global War

This is the less a sequel to The Winds of War than it is part two of one huge novel. The account of the Henry family is laid out here. I found this book to be less significant than the first volume. The people are so driven by their romantic passions, both in and outside the bounds of marriage that is becomes a bit of a Soap Opera for the greatest generation. I found the Henry saga to be tedious.

The inexorable march toward the Jewish Holocaust is excruciatingly slow and tragic. But the result, for some of the main characters, is so oft foreshadowed that the culmination is entirely anti-climatic.
As in the previous volume, Wouk intersperses historical sections liberally through the novel. He has constructed several imaginary historical works from which to quote to allow him to promote his historical opinion. Victor Henry reads lengthy sections from his translation of the memoirs of a German General. And we are also treated to the musings of Aaron Jastrow through his journal entries as he slips further and further into the Nazi concentration camp system.

I knew this was a long book when I began, and so did not expect a rapid pace, but I eventually tired of following the adventures of the main characters. Once my fascination for the fictional characters ws lost the book became a slog.

Kevin Pariseau is again excellent possessing a wide range of male character voices. He is somewhat limited in his expression of the female voice but manages to make them sound distinctive, if not convincing. 


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