Friday, May 15, 2015

MACHINE WORLD, Undying Mercenaries Book 4, by B.V. Larson

MACHINE WORLD, Undying Mercenaries Book 4, by B.V. Larson

Narrated by Mark Boyett

     McGill’s Misadventures  Consistently Entertain

This series is, for me, now an old friend. McGill is a known quantity. He will always act on his gut instinct, which has proven very effective in keeping him from getting permed—really dead. While remaining consistently insubordinate and acting as the loosest of cannons, he manages not only to save his own skin, but time and again pulls humanity’s chestnuts out of the fire. The world of the Galactics that McGill has been forced to play in would seem to be aligned against him and his entire race, but someone is surely looking out for him, because his improvisational skills, which at first seem to result in horrible mistakes, end up in being just the thing to help McGill slip out of harm’s way, and end up getting mankind out of trouble, and earning McGill a promotion.

 I really enjoy the dialog that B.V. Larson has written, and Mark Boyett delivers it with style and aplomb. The circumstances are outlandish, need I say otherworldly? But what would you expect from a first-rate Space Opera? This is great entertainment. Along with Marko Kloos’ Frontline series, and Larry Correia’s Grimnoir Chroncles, I would use it in a court of law to make the case that audiobooks are more entertaining and engaging than any blockbuster on the silver screen. 


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