December and January Meetings
Band of Brothers - 12/11/2004 6:00 pm at Rick's
1) Comestible refurbishments.
2) Good and bad of this first Grand Slam.
3) Do we need a new name, Trifecta / Perfecta?
4) One of the things learned is that the audio and print experiences are very similar and very repetitive for this particular material. Future Slams will need stronger material to avoid early saturation.
5) Varley news and views and how you too can contribute to the Varley vade mecum.
6) The possibility of modifying the Mangy Tome for Bennett incentive reasons. Pro: Keith will read Varley; Con: Huge Mangy Tome was designed aroud Varley comparision.
7) Rick's suggestions for future Grand Slam projects.
Titan - 01/15/2004 6:00 pm at Keith's (the date had to be changed because of Doug's work schedule)
1) Food
2) Maps of Gaea
3) Why we love this book.
4) Keith's excuses for not reading anything but Varley in the past two years.