Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Deep Space Rumble IRONMAN

The director missed a stellar opportunity at the end of this movie: During the closing scene press-conference, the Robert Downey Jr. character, Tony Stark, is asked a question whether he is the Ironman. He has been advised to deny the fact but he answers, "The truth is...I am Ironman," roll credits. What was missing (in the lacuna) was the Black Sabbath four beat kick drum intro to the song Ironman and a little Ozzy reverb on the words, "I am Ironman." It would have been perfect. Otherwise, this was an over-the-top, boy-wonder-genius comic book movie. I think the CGI special effects in this, and other recent Hollywood offerings, are too pervasive. I much prefer photo-real effects to the current tendency toward video-game-like rapid-fire effects. None the less, it is far better than the laughably pretentious Transformers.

Todd Mclaren reads OPENING ATLANTIS

I, just today, finished listening to Harry Turtledove's OPENING ATLANTIS. I sought it out solely because Todd Mclaren is the narrator. As far as Turtledove books go this is the weakest I have experienced. But it is redeemed by the dulcet tones of Todd Mclaren. Again, Mclaren delivers a one-man-show that is a pleasure to listen to. My only regret is that the text did not provide enough foreign accents to showcase Mclaren's talent. I really like his portrayal of British Aristocrats, Frenchmen and Runaway Slaves. His characterization of these is spot on. Recommended for the narration, not the story.

Wolfe's AN EVIL GUEST Delivered

Copies of Gene Wolfe's AN EVIL GUEST have arrived. If you ordered a copy, I have it ready for pick up.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Sun Artwork - Terminus Est

I stumbled across an artist's website (Abalkin) that contains some images from Gene Wolfe's THE BOOK OF THE NEW SUN. The rendidtion of TERMINUS EST is well done. Also, look for the Land-Sat style aerial-view maps; very nice. (Click on the header)

Monday, September 15, 2008


I came across a little tidbit concerning the last volume of William Manchester's THE LAST LION: DEFENDER OF THE REALM. You may read it on the Churchill Society of North Carolina web-site. Paul Reid is compiling the Manchester notes and completing the work. Bottom line: It is due to be published in 2008 0r early 2009.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

HMTP Update Comments

As I was thinking about changing the HMTP again, as posted below, I noticed that we are one month ahead of the schedule. And knowing that we cannot move the release date of THE STEEL REMAINS we have the opportunity to add yet another book before the start of THE GLORY AND THE DREAM. This is a fine chance to read the new 8th edition of Walt Brown's IN THE BEGINNING.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Morgan Books Pre-Ordered HTMP Affected

I placed pre-orders (for all members that expressed interest) of Richard Morgan's THE STEEL REMAINS. It is due to be released on January 20, 2009. This late January release date may pose a problem with our planned February discussion date. Anticipating this situation, I propose that we change the discussion date for Roland H. Bainton's Martin Luther biography HERE I STAND from January 2010, to January, 2009. This will then allow us to preserve the planned "Pay Paul" three-month staggered reading plan for Manchester's THE GLORY AND THE DREAM, while also allowing us to dive into THE STEEL REMAINS as soon as it arrives.