Thursday, January 26, 2006

RED LIGHTNING. Publication date: April 4, 2006.

It looks like the HMTP will have to be modified to accomodate Varley's new book.

Here is the Book Description:
The son of one of the first men to fly to Mars and back, Ray Garcia- Strickland, is now a disgruntled Martian, tired of the Red Planet's overdevelopment and the gravity dependent tourist Earthies. But that doesn't stop him from fearing the worst when Earth is struck by an unknown object, causing a massive tsunami. Living high on his father's glory was okay, but now Ray must literally come down to Earth-and solve one of its greatest mysteries.

The hardcover is $16.47 on Amazon. I plan to preorder.

COLLAPSE Audio Version

We have decided to "read" Jared Diamond's COLLAPSE by listening to it. A "Books on Tape" version is available from the PPLD. It is currently scheduled on the HMTP for May of 2006.

I know this may seem like cheating, but because of the Grand Slam (read / listen / view) we went through with Stephen Ambrose's BAND OF BROTHERS (Dec. '04), we realize that for some material listening can be considered the equivalent of reading. I still prefer the print version for fiction, but for light non-fiction, audio is a near equivalent.

LOTR Trivial Persuit Game

On January17th we gathered for a game of Trivial Persuit, The Lord of the Rings version. The players were Bob Paden, Rick Marx, Keith Bennett, Sarah Bennett, Rachel Eigsti, and Doug Eigsti. The winners were Team Bennett. It was a chance to review the films, and discover many pieces of information that only a rabid fan could hope to know.

Friday, January 06, 2006

REFORMATION Discussion Date

The discussion date for THE REFORMATION by Will Durant has been rescheduled for January 28th, 2006. This should provide an adequate extension period for those having dufficulty plodding through this weighty tome. Next on the HMTP is SEVENTH SON by Orson Scott Card.

(Deus Vult)