Tuesday, June 03, 2008

PAY PAUL Reading System

After some consideration I have decided to rename the former "Floating Holiday" reading system to the "Pay Paul" system. The essential feature of this system is that it borrows time from adjacent months to accomodate the heavy time requirements needed when reading weighty tomes. The months being borrowed from will be light reading months. This built-in buffer will help avoid unplanned schedule slippage. The name comes from the old saw, "Borrow from Peter to pay Paul." This system can be seen in use on the HMTP for the books THE GLORY AND THE DREAM and THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH.


The forthcoming Gene Wolfe book AN EVIL GUEST has been added to the HMTP for October 2008. It is due to be released in October. I have also chosen to highlight the Gene Wolfe titles on the list to bring attention to our quest to read all of his published books. He has several short story collections that we have neglected but which, Lord willing, we will complete in due time.

To date I have read all but one Wolfe novel. I plan to remedy this lapse before October by completing SOLDIER OF SIDON. The Fictionados will be reading the entire Soldier Sequence at the end of 2010.