Sunday, May 27, 2007


I just finished MEMOIRS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR. It has earned me a better understanding of the meaning of total war. The allies' war effort was staggering. The shape of the world today is largely forged by the direct aftermath of WWII, and the innocent concessions made to Russia. This is a must read. Its 1016 pages wash over the reader so quickly it made me wonder how I read them so fast. I must attribute it to the fluidity of Churchill's prose.

(Deus Vult)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Churchill T-Shirt Ideas

The reading of Winston Churchill's MEMOIRS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR is going so well that we have decided to move the discussion from June 16th to June 2nd.

The book is a fascinating glimpse into the lofty realms of one of the leaders of the free world. In it we are given insight into the difficulties of decision making at the highest levels. The grand war strategies that resulted in Allied victory are revealed to us here. I find it interesting that, even after the fact, Churchill still will not let drop the poor decisions of his colleagues, and pulls no punches on his own missteps. In these pages Stalin comes off as a capable but childish demagogue. Roosevelt is portrayed as a visionary president, conceiving the "Lend-Lease" program whereby we would supply Britain with anything we could at no charge. These men demonstrated the proper sense of urgency that was required to defeat Hitler.

I am trying to come up with a good slogan for a Churchill T-shirt. here are some nominees:

Defender of the Realm
The First Sea Lord
This was Their Finest Hour
Man of the Century
The Anti-Hitler
Peace through Victory
Some things are worth fighting for
It is better to perish than to live as slaves
We will never, never, never give up
Walking with destiny
Facts are better than dreams
Without victory there is no survival
We shall never surrender

For those of you who are eagerly awaiting William Manchester and Paul Reid's DEFENDER OF THE REALM, here are some links to try. From what I can gather, it is due to be published in late 2007 or early 2008. But publishing delays are not uncommon.

The Churchill Series – May 17, 2007
Churchill Chat
The world is waiting