Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog in use once again HMTP to be revised soon

This is to announce that the readers of this blog can expect to see more frequent postings in the future. I have been neglecting this forum for quite some time. I read some of the old postings had realize the value of keeping some kind of record of opinion here.

Current status. We are out of synch. R.M. is doing some exploratory reading. He is tackling Gene Wolfe's ENDANGERED SPECIES. Next he will be reading Gene Wolfe's PIRATE FREEDOM. I read this independently and think it is worthy of the attention on the full membership of the Fictionados. Lastly he will be reading John Calvin Batchelor's THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF ANTARCTICA, one of the few unread survivors of the Great Purge.

I am trying to complete 1948, by Benny Morris. After that I will be moving on to Gene Wolfe's HOME FIRES, a book that R.M. read accidentally when he was supposed to be reading something else.

The HMTP is, of course, now out of synch. The reading now being done will necessitate a revision of the list. It will be updated soon after we decide what is to be the new priority. The update will reflect the status of the reading list after we have resynched.
