Creation Books
I just received the ICR catalog. In it are a few books I'd like to read: The first is GENETIC ENTROPY & THE MYSTERY OF THE GENOME by J. C. Sanford (ISBN 1-59919-002-8). The key comment is, "This revolutionary book details compelling new genetic evidence that the human genome is deteriorating, and has always been deteriorating due to the accumulations of mutations." Another is BONES OF CONTENTION by M. Lubenow ( Rev. & updated 2004, 295pp.). "A thorough examination of all the supposed pre-human fossils." The last is RADIOISOTOPES AND THE AGE OF THE EARTH, VOLUME 1, Eds.: L. Vardiman et al. "A definitive resource on radioactive dating... It examines radioisotope theory, exposes its plaguing problems." All these would fit in well with our ongoing creation education curriculum.
(Deus Vult)