Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ringworld PREQUEL

Larry Niven, in collaboraiton with Edward M. Lerner, has a novel forthcoming that is set in the Known Space series and give an account of the events leading up to the discovery of the supernova at the galaxy's core. Looks like a great way to kick off the re-reading of the Ringworld sequence. It is called FLEET OF WORLDS. And, in bizarre note of synchronicity, the protagonist's last name is Kovacs.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I finished reading THOUSANDS...

I finished reading THOUSANDS... NOT BILLIONS, by Don DeYoung.

(Deus Vult)

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I am reading this Young-Earth Creation book.

It covers radiometric dating at a layman's level. I thought it would be good to have the basic ideas under my belt before we tackle the techinical books later. This is a very fast read.

Thousands not Billions by Donald DeYoung.

The Pentagon's New Map

Rick has suggested that we read this book:
The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-first Century by Thomas P.M. Barnett.

Click on the title of this post to go to

Saturday, June 23, 2007

So how good is WOKEN FURIES?

So how good is WOKEN FURIES? I gave it an OPTCS rating of 00000. This is my highest mark. This places in that rarified air dominated by Varley, Niven and Wolfe. I am thinking of placing this one at number ONE with a bullet. There is no other book I would rather re-read. This will knock STEEL BEACH from its pirennial position of supremacy. But maybe it is time to revitalize the top 40. Most of the others have retained their status even through multiple re-reads. Only time will tell if the books of Richard K. Morgan can pass this test. But, for now, his efforts derserve a place in the limelight. It is great to have a new kid on the block.


Ex-Envoy Takeshi Kovacs is damaged goods. He has been since before we first met him, since Innenin. When we catch up with him in WOKEN FURIES he is chasing his demons by killing off any New Revelation priest that had anything to do with the death of Sarah Sachilowska, and he's been at it for two years already. You may remember Sarah from ALTERED CARBON. Well, fate has twisted her in unexpected ways. His vendetta is interrupted by a chance encounter with Sylvie's Silpins. They are a close-knit DeCom team working in the Unsettled zones on New Hok(aido) decommissioning autonomous minimits, the out-of-control machine remnants of a 200 years ago war. Kovacs is in his element with the DeCom crew. He works best when he has someone other than himself to watch out for. Team Player may not be the first thing to cross your mind when the name Takeshi Kovacs comes up, but that is the way he's wired. Exploring the depths of Kovacs' soul is one of the more subtle elements of this book. Later he has to face the possibility that Quell may be alive and well inside one of his friends heads. Wait until you discover how that turns out. It is a wonder to watch the vast complexity of plot and technology build up around you as the novel progresses, and believe me, it gets very complicated; so much so that I anticipative the second pass will be very enlightening. We get to see Kovacs home planet of Harlan's World and get to see Kovacs move in and out of different circles, including the Envoys. His character gains credibility every time he interacts with the powers that be, and there are a lot of power brokers to deal with. This book covers more ground than the other Kovacs novels but also brings the other two into the story so well that it makes them seem like one big story. This elevates the series and makes my opinion of WOKEN FURIES increase all the more. It is that rare book where nothing but superlatives come to mind when discussing it. I cannot recommend this book more highly. If you like to explore the disruptive effects of radical technology on society, and on your own fragile sense of reality, take a gander at Morgan. Thank me later.

Richard K. Morgan WOKEN FURIES

Thursday, June 07, 2007

ROLL OFF: Pirates 3

Films that have extra scenes after the credits have finished rolling. I call this feature a ROLL OFF.

Sound of a facehugger scratching accross the floor of Ripley's escape shuttle.

Blade racing away in his black charger and a final credit: "Word."

The monkey steals a coin from the chest and becomes a skeleton in the moonlight, proving the curse is still in effect.

The monkey.

This has a great Roll-off of Elizabeth and her almost ten year-old son waiting for Will Turner to sail back into their lives after his stint as captain of the Flying Dutchman. They wait for the green flash of sunset to confirm his return from the dead. Pan to Elizabeth as green lights up her face, and her smile.

Constantine at the grave of his sidekick, Chas. As he deposits his cigarette lighter on the tombstone, Chas resurrects as an angel, leaving John determined to make the cut this time around.

Pan down to the smouldering remains of Eddie to see the his eye light up.

Friday, June 01, 2007


I just finished reading ISRAELOLOGY. I am loaning my copy to Rick. i will be reading Fructembaum's FOOTSTEPS OF THE MESSIAH when the group is reading ISRAELOLOGY.

(Deus Vult)