The August 9th meeting was productive. Below is a summary of the decisions:
1) Tim Powers' DECLARE
[This is a great book showcasing Powers' knack for making the mundane seem creepy and the metaphysical regimented.]
2) Russell Humphreys STARLIGHT AND TIME
[We're glad someone out there has the brains to conceive of such a cosmology that both, fits with the Bible, and does not contradict the present understanding of the laws of physics. Bravo Humphreys!]
3) Is Powers an "important" author? If so, what next?
[Powers has demonstrated himself to be an important writer. Therefore, we shall be reading a lot more of his stuff starting with THREE DAYS TO NEVER then ON STRANGER TIDES.]
4) Preview of the Varley vs. Wolfe head-to-head contest.
[With the Varley book in hand this kicks off soon. Varley's last installment of the RED THUNDER series, RED LIGHTNING, was a bit of a let-down. I thought it was too juvenile. Maybe that was the intent, but it did not live up to the first installment. Wolfe's AN EVIL GUEST looks to be a return to the "difficult" Wolfe of old. I am anticipating it to be superb.]
5) Report-out on Wolfe's latest novels PIRATE FREEDOM and SOLDIER OF SIDON.
[Wolfe's PIRATE FREEDOM is tp be paired with Powers' ON STRANGER TIDES. This will be a matter-antimatter pairing of two seemingly similar pirate adventures.]
6) Should we try to read all of Wolfe's novels? We are already trying to read all of his story collections. The list of Wolfe novels not read by the group: PIRATE FREEDOM, OPERATION ARES, THE DEVIL IN A FOREST, CASTLEVIEW, FREE LIVE FREE, PANDORA BY HOLLY HOLANDER. Three others, SOLDIER OF THE MIST, SOLDIER OF ARETE and SOLDIER OF SIDON are already on the list.
[Yes we should try to read all of Wolfe's novels. This will be necessary for bragging rights in the nursing home. Besides, Wolfe is an important author.]
7) Walt Brown's 8th edition. (see above post)
[This needs to be read because Brown has a slant on things that no one else is writing about. And since he has come out with a major revision, he must have something new to say. But Behe's THE EDGE OF EVOLUTION will be read first since it has critical information useful to anyone engaged in the creation-evolution debate.]
8) Is it time for Sherlock?
[Not yet, but it may creep down the HMTP anyway just to give a sense of inevitability. The Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett video portrayals of the great Holmes will soon be available to the group on DVD for those seeking a total-immersion Sherlock experience.]
9) There is a dearth of non-fiction books at the top of the HMTP. Thoughts, concerns?
[No worries mate. These books will naturally make their way onto the list as our interest piques. And we are very interested.]
10) Richard K. Morgan's THE STEEL REMAINS is out in the UK. (see above post)
[Since the HMTP is so densly packed in the next few months we could not get to this book immediately anyway. We will wait for the US edition in January. Plus, its cheaper. Bonus!]
The HMTP will be updated soon to reflect these decisions.
Book 'em Danno. Murder one..