Deep Space Rumble IRONMAN
The director missed a stellar opportunity at the end of this movie: During the closing scene press-conference, the Robert Downey Jr. character, Tony Stark, is asked a question whether he is the Ironman. He has been advised to deny the fact but he answers, "The truth is...I am Ironman," roll credits. What was missing (in the lacuna) was the Black Sabbath four beat kick drum intro to the song Ironman and a little Ozzy reverb on the words, "I am Ironman." It would have been perfect. Otherwise, this was an over-the-top, boy-wonder-genius comic book movie. I think the CGI special effects in this, and other recent Hollywood offerings, are too pervasive. I much prefer photo-real effects to the current tendency toward video-game-like rapid-fire effects. None the less, it is far better than the laughably pretentious Transformers.