Word Counts GALILEO WAS WRONG Tops New List
Update 05/01/10
Since we are currently reading a very weighty tome, I decided it was time to calculate just how long this book, THE GLORY AND THE DREAM, really is. I will also calculate some other books for comparison. The Method: [Number of Pages] x [Lines per page] x [Words per line] = Total words. The number of pages does not include the index, but does include all appendixes. Words per page are calculated by (1) Counting the number of lines per page. (2) Finding the average number of words per line by counting at least 100 words and dividing that number by the number of lines containing those 100+ words. (3) The calculated number should be considered a maximum (+ zero, - 5%). It does not try to account for illustrations, chapter breaks. I do try to choose a representative page when I count the 100 words. For example, Gene Wolfe utilizes a lot of dialog in his fiction. And since many of the conversations contain short sentences I try to include them in the count so as not to overestimate too greatly. This also means, that for books containing a lot of prose, like a Manchester or Churchill, I will look for a page that is typical for that type of work. The results indicate that not only is THE GLORY AND THE DREAM the longest (mundane) book we have read, it is the longest book we currently plan to read. Note that the King James Bible is the longest book I have ever read. An interesting thought is that we will be reading a THE GLORY AND THE DREAM in 3-5 months. Could we read the Bible that quickly?
Sungenis GALILEO WAS WRONG 905818 words
Kings James Bible - 788280 words. See King James Bible Statistics.
Manchester - Glory and the Dream - 1302 pages / 744449 words
Tolkein - Lord of the Rings - 1191 / 652965
Calvin - Institutes - 1521 / 648084
Wolfe - Book of the Long Sun - 1450 / 581318
Rothbard - Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought - 1039 / 523656
Wolfe - Book of the New Sun - 950 / 503737
Churchill - Memoirs of the Second World War - 1016 / 489021
Rothbard - Man Economy and State - 1369 / 479150
Shirrer - Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - 1147 / 461719
Durant - Reformation - 940 / 451826
Manchester - Last Lion - 883 / 436005
Manchester - Arms of Krupp - 833 / 427606
von Mises - Human Action - 881 / 419355
Brown - In the Beginning - 432 / 404509
Tooze - Wages of Destruction - 676 / 268912
Black - IBM and the Holocaust - 454 / 198700
Wolfe - An Evil Guest - 301 / 127444
Is there a one million word book out there? We should read it.
Update 04/24/09 I did a little research. Apparantly there is a 17 million word novel listed on Wikipedia. Many of these books listed are series. I have only included books that I consider to be one book or novel, even though some are spread over more than one volume; such a LOTR and TBNS.
Here is one man's list of some very long books. The quest is on for the mangest tome on the planet.