Wednesday, October 18, 2017


We have not forgotten about Richard Stark's PARKER series. Somehow this will be worked into the schedule.

The Baroque Cycle Project Guide

Fictionados Note:

This is a large project. We plan to do this over the course of six months. Cryptonomicon is the first in the series thematically although the events takes place later in history. Neal Stephenson wrote it and it became a proof of concept for the larger Baroque Cycle. There are many overlapping families in between Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle and even a few overlapping characters. The Appendix should be read first—at the start of the project. It contains much information that will jump start the reader into the series. You will learn much about codes and code-breaking just from reading the novel. It is all real. Reading the appendix will make this clear and this will give you a better appreciation of the novel.

Quote from Neal Stephenson:

For several years I have been working on a project on the general subject of cryptography.

The Baroque Cycle is that series.

The Baroque Cycle, proper, was published as eight novels released in three volumes. On Audible it is contained in seven “books.” I have listed all the novels. The books with “Audible” next to the title will indicate which ones to look for (listen for). They must be read / listened in this order.  

Neal Stephenson
The Baroque Cycle
Available on both Kindle and Audible.


Cryptonomicon (Audible 43 hr)

The Baroque Cycle

Quicksilver (Audible 14.75 hr)
King of the Vagabonds (Audible 11.25 hr)
Odalisque (Audible 13.5 hr)

The Confusion (Audible 34.5 hr)
The Juncio

The System of the World
Solomon’s Gold (Audible 14.15 hr)
Currency (Audible 14.25 hr)
The System of the World (Audible 11.45 hr)