I am about 100 pages from the end of REFUTING COMPROMISE by Jonathan Sarfati. I am finding it to be quite good. His arguments against the teachings of Hugh Ross are sound and well referenced. Sarfati also manages to disseminate a lot of creation information. I was intrigued by the genetic section. I need to learn more about that subject and will be hunting for a book on genetics soon to fill this gap in my understanding.
Another section deals with cosmology. I have one of the books often referred to: Humphreys' STARLIGHT AND TIME. In this book he outlines a new theory that accommodates the visibility of light from distant stars in a young universe. I am currently in the section on young earth evidences. The section on the decay of the earth''s magnetic field was well done, so were the moon's orbit and the salinity of the oceans. But the most interesting tidbit was the radio halos. ICR has a lot of information on this topic in their R.A.T.E. program.